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GTA 4 Stunt Montage

1st track - Shiva Shidapu Walk To Light 2nd track - Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt - Morning Mood Made By - VikingInPyjama all rights reserved! Credit: NinjAHturtle, Shachar10 NO MODS! Hope u Enjoy, if so, Subscribe, Comment and Rate For Stunt Montage 2 Thanks for watching.

video tags: VikingInPyjama  Shachar10  NinjAHturtle  NRG900  Comet  Turismo  GTAIV  GTA  IV  Grand  Theft  Auto  Funny  Silly  Compilation  Stunts  gameplay  montage  PC  PS3  Rockstar  Gaming  XBOX360  Playstation  Viking  In  Pyjama 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 701 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Grand Theft Auto IV: Liberty City's Stuntmen 2 (GTA 4 Stunt Montage) Click above to watch Ben Bujas Funny Ways To Escape The Cops Grand Theft Auto IV: Liberty City's Stuntmen 2 (GTA 4 Stunt Montage) Such an improvement. LCS2 is the next video in our stunt series. Probability of making a sequel is based on the reviews. Thanks for viewing and be sure to rate, comment, and subscribe! Also, check out my channel for extras and info on our machinimas. Directors Channel: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Ballad of Gay Tony Grand Theft "Auto IV" "Auto 4" GTA4 GTAIV GTA Rockstar Games North UPC 710425396342 "Grand Theft Auto 4" "Liberty Citys Stuntmen 2" stunt montage 2 II Ballad of Gay Tony episodes nrg pcj niko bellic lopez louis cars ramps amazing song HD

video tags: yt:qualityhigh  Ballad  of  Gay  Tony  Grand  Theft  Auto  IV  GTA4  GTAIV  GTA  Rockstar  Games  North  UPC  710425396342  Liberty  Citys  Stuntmen  stunt  montage  II  episodes  nrg  pcj  niko  bellic  lopez  louis  cars  ramps  amazing  song  HD 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 815 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA IV : Multiplayer Stunt Montage II

Click watch in high quality under views. This is a online stunt video that i have put together. Thanks to : PunkBusta93, dukes00, K0r3upt, mackricsack, karmaNeffect, xzenU8, daavviid and anyone else i didnt mention is in the next part. 8) Music by; 1. Drowning Pool - Follow 3. Song in credits was By Me - 44Bullets The Video was made to another song along with some guitar riffs and beats i put together. Youtube said the audio is owned by someone else. Even though the sound was mixed with my music aswell and random gta iv sounds (now there is no audio at all where my original music should be) i will re post the full videos i have made on another site soo Thanks to the people who give a fuck. Peace Enjoy

video tags: Grand  Theft  Auto  IV  tricks  and  crashes  GTA4  Stunt  Video  Skateparks  Backflips  Big  jumps  Punk-Busta81  barrel  rolls  frontflips  donuts  sideways  helicopter  jumping  stunts  online  drifting  unique  music  44bullets  360  180  grind  trick 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 834 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Liberty City's Stuntmen (GTA 4 Stunt Montage)

GRAND THEFT AUTO IV Liberty City's Stuntmen (GTA 4 Stunt Montage) Our first stunt montage filmed in GTA4, for your enjoyment :D Rate. Comment. Sub to my channel. Check out our channels for more videos. Rayss95, Keldroc486 and Flame254 FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO:

video tags: gta  grand  theft  auto  stunt  montage  stunts  tricks  bike  jumps  motorcycle  landing  speed  dangerous  awesome  yt:qualityhigh 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 688 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Ben Buja's GTA 4 Stunt Show (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima) Click to watch GTA 4 Stunt Montage VI (machinima)! Ben Buja's GTA 4 Stunt Show (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima) director Ben Buja presents his new stunt video. This time with commentary from a drunken biker who was forced to do the narration. Stunts done on PC and Xbox 360 Ballad of Gay Tony expansion. Director's Channel: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima ‪‬ Inside Gaming ‪‬ Machinima Respawn ‪‬ Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture ‪‬ FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Grand Theft Auto IV Auto 4 GTA4 GTAIV GTA IV Rockstar Games North UPC 410425392428 MPN 39012 BenBuja Stunt Montage Show Ultra Ben Buja Ballad of gay tony expansion pc version no mods commentary parachute skydiving bike stunts NRG900

video tags: yt:qualityhigh  Grand  Theft  Auto  IV  GTA4  GTAIV  GTA  Rockstar  Games  North  UPC  410425392428  MPN  39012  BenBuja  Stunt  Montage  Show  Ultra  Ben  Buja  Ballad  of  gay  tony  expansion  pc  version  no  mods  commentary  parachute  skydiving  bike  stunts  NRG900 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 836 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage - The Remix (Machinima)

GTA IV : Created by BenBuja My first video for i hope you like it! This video is a remix of my previous stunt montages, which were quite succesful. Music is: Nine Inch Nails - 1,000,000 And a piano piece written and played by me.

video tags: machinima  animation  game  movies  gameplay  stunts  tricks  gta  grand  theft  auto  videos  GTAIV  GTA4  Niko  Rockstar  yt:qualityhigh 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 673 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage V (Machinima)

GRAND THEFT AUTO IV NOTE:. Please excuse the changing screen ratio of the clips, most of the clips with Niko were recorded with our old capture card. Sorry that we didn't do any helicopter stunts this time, we just couldn't find anything appropriate to jump in that we haven't jumped in yet. Anyway we hope you enjoy this video :) Ben Buja Playlist: Check out the music

video tags: GTA  Stunt  Montage  BenBuja  Ben  Buja  Machinima  Ultra  Xbox  360  The  Lost  And  Damned  LATD  DLC  Stunts  Crazy  Ex 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 795 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage VI (machinima)

GRAND THEFT AUTO IV director Ben Buja presents Stunt Montage VI. Completely played on the unmodded PC version of GTA 4. Click the annotations during the main video to view different angles and unused bonus clips of some of the stunts. We may add additional replays upon request. We wanted the first PC stunt montage to start similar to our first GTA stunt montage thats why we made that heli to pool drop again in the beginning ^_^ Please enjoy the video and if you liked it please leave a comment and rate/subscribe to -Ben Buja FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO:

video tags: GTA  Stunt  Montage  GTA4  Grand  Theft  Auto  IV  Machinima  BenBuja  Ultra  Ben  Buja  PC  Version  Grinds  Sanchez  Bloopers  Glitches  Silly  Stuff  yt:qualityhigh 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 712 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage V HD (machinima)

GTAIV HD remix of Ben Buja's stunt montage V by director Ben Buja. If you see this video choppy/laggy while watching in HD, put the playback slider to the very beginning of the video and let it load the whole video before watching. "I wasn't too happy how the fifth stunt montage turned out so i decided to make a new version with lots of new scenes and stunts and completely different music! No mods used. No hacks used. Everything done on xbox 360 without the ingame video editor of the PC version." Directors YT page:

video tags: machinima  gta  stunt  montage  hd  ben  buja  com  ultra  benbuja  latd  lost  damned  johnny  double  yt:qualityhigh 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 706 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage III (Machinima)

GTA IV : by Ultra Ben Buja. Here it is, my third stunt montage! This time only bikes and helicopters. Enjoy! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Grand Theft "Auto IV" "Auto 4" GTA4 GTAIV GTA IV Rockstar Games North UPC 410425392428 MPN 39012 machinima animation ultra ben buja gameplay action GTA Stunt Montage III series GTA4 GTAIV Rockstar Niko bellic

video tags: yt:qualityhigh  Grand  Theft  Auto  IV  GTA4  GTAIV  GTA  Rockstar  Games  North  UPC  410425392428  MPN  39012  machinima  animation  ultra  ben  buja  gameplay  action  Stunt  Montage  III  series  Niko  bellic 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 698 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

GTA 4 Stunt Montage IV - A New Dawn (Machinima) Click Above to watch the latest Ben Buja Montage: GTA 4 Stunt Montage IV - A New Dawn (Machinima) GTA IV : By Ben Buja "Here it is; number 4 of my GTA 4 stunt montages! Introducing: Stunts with exploding gas tanks. Enjoy! Ben Directors Channel: Machinima: Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO:

video tags: machinima  ben  buja  gta  stunt  montage  new  dawn  grand  theft  auto  IV  Rockstar  Niko  gta4  gtaIV  yt:qualityhigh 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 735 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated


Check out my latest Stunt video: My first GTA stunt montage, never thought it would hit 10!! million views some day... Thank you very much for watching! :-)

video tags: GTA  IV  GTAIV  GTA4  Montage  Stunt  Stunts  Compilation  Gameplay  Comet  Turismo  NRG  900  Ultra  Ben  Buja  Fly  Rockband  BenBuja  New  Dawn  Machinima  PC  Version  Bloopers  Glitches  Silly  Stuff  II  III 

Added: June 9, 2010, 3:57 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 735 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated