Workout Video: Best Ab Exercise
Best Ab Exercise. *Sponsor: Peel away the pounds with Solani - Find more fitness videos at The best ab exercise moves you have never heard of. Trainer Stephen Cabral shows you how to get flat, toned abs with a new free fitness and workout video that will burn fat and calories. Get your body ready for bikini season today! Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes: Sarah's YouTube Channel - Sarah's Fitness Blog -
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Time: 01:00
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Dirty Jobs : Mike's Mail : Mike's Prison Workout
Discovery Channel Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe Mike's Got Mail Mike's Prison Workout How's he stay in shape? Try a set of ten "burpies" with Mike.
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Time: 01:00
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8 Min Abs Workout, how to have six pack ( HD Version )
8 Min Abs Workout, how to have six pack: this workout has been designed to specifically work on the abdominal area. It can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. There are no particular requirements for this module; you just need to know how to do the various exercises properly. 3 Good reasons for doing this module: 1 - Working aerobically on your abdominal muscles for over 7 minutes stimulates the capillaries in this area. These in turn increase the blood flow. 2 - A greater blood flow means a greater flow of oxygen - and fat only burns in the presence of oxygen. 3 - Toned muscles need more calories (kcal) to stay active. Our organism tends to release these calories from the area nearest the muscle, in this case the waist area.
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Time: 01:00
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Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Advanced 1
The intro and warmup to the Advanced Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout from 1982.
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Time: 01:00
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Former UFC Champion Sean Sherk goes through a Caveman Training routine when he is six weeks away from his fight with Tyson Griffin.
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Time: 01:00
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Chest Workout: Pushups for the Complete Beginner In my opinion, pushups are the #1 best exercise you can do! They are simple to do and are a great upper body workout for the complete beginner or the advanced bodybuilder. You can get a complete upper body workout by combining these pushups with crunches and pullups, all of which can be done easily at home. Start by doing knee pushups. If you can do more than 20 of these then they are too easy for you and you should do full pushups. We want to start slowly to avoid injury, the first two weeks you will only do this workout once a week: do as many pushups as you can without rest (a set) rest 2 minutes repeat two more times (three sets total) If your joints and muscles feel ok, you can slowly increase the frequency and duration of your pushup workouts until you are doing pushups 3x/week for 20minutes. When you get to the point where you can do more than 20 pushups in all your sets, then its time to move on to a more advanced workout. Please see my website for some suggestions. The reason many people dont get started in bodybuilding is that it seems to complex and intimidating, thats why I recommend starting out with just pushups and with daily walking (10-30min). Its an easy program, you start feeling better immediately, and your brain starts to associate exercising with feeling good. A recent study showed that as little as 10min of exercise a day can do wonders for you mind and body. Once you brain has made the connection between exercise and feeling good, motivation is no longer a problem and you will find yourself wanting to add new exercises. If you are overweight and can only do 3 knee pushups, dont be discouraged, its not the number of pushups you can do that is important but the effort. For those of you who are overweight, think of it this way, you are lifting far more weight in your pushups than your lighter counterparts so its natural that you cant do as many pushups. What is important is that you make progress each week, if you did 3 knee pushups last week, try to do 3 1/2 knee pushups this week. Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts. For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either): Nutrition is key to being able to add muscle! I cover nutrition on my website, if thats not detailed enough for you I have reviewed and recommended some excellent books: Limitation of Liability: Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program! I am not a medical professional. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate this information and with the help of your physician decide if it is appropriate for you. copyright 2006-2009 LLC
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Time: 01:00
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Bored at work? Spice up your day and stay fit with this workout tailor made for the office. Also, For more Exercise TV Workout Videos and Products, go to
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Time: 01:00
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Bodyweight Workout Video - No Exercise Equipment Routine
Personal trainer Stephen Cabral takes Sarah through a total body work out that uses just body weight. *Sponsor: Peel away the pounds with Solani - Build muscle and tone up. No gym required. This exercise video can be done anywhere. Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes: Sarah's Fitness Blog -
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Time: 01:00
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Killer Home Back (Lats) Workout Here is a killer 45 minute back workout that you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells and a pullup bar. This is an back (lats,latissimus dorsi)workout for the advanced bodybuilder, if you are new to bodybuilding please check my website for a more appropriate workout. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured. Intensity and focus are really important when you do this workout. Don't hold back anything, treat every set as if it were your last. I know I sound stupid with all my grunting and groaning but when I give it 110%, I can't help it. Here is the workout: Superset 1: Wide grip pullups and dumbbell rows Superset 2: Alternating grip pullups and dumbbell pullovers Superset 3: Narrow grip pullups and bent over dumbbell rows Repeat the above 5-6 times, the complete workout should take about 45 minutes. If you don't like reconfiguring the dumbbells all the time you can also just do each superset combo 5X and then move on to the next combo. This workout should be done once every 5-7 days depending on your age. Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts. For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either): Nutrition is key to being able to add muscle! I cover nutrition on my website, if thats not detailed enough for you I have reviewed and recommended some excellent books: Limitation of Liability: Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program! I am not a medical professional. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate this information and with the help of your physician decide if it is appropriate for you. copyright 2006-2009 LLC
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Time: 01:00
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Killer Home Arm Workout (biceps, triceps)
Here is a killer arm workout you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells to help get those huge guns, I'm sore for days after doing this workout. This is an arm workout for the advanced bodybuilder, if you are new to bodybuilding please check my website for a more appropriate workout. There are six exercises, three for biceps and three for triceps. The entire workout takes 45 minutes and there is very little down time. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured. Intensity and focus are really important when you do this workout. Don't hold back anything, treat every set as if it were your last. I know I sound stupid with all my grunting and groaning but when I give it 110%, I can't help it. In this workout we do one exercise for biceps then without rest do the opposing triceps muscle. Here is the workout: Biceps: dumbbell curl using forced negatives Triceps: skull crushers Rest 60-90s while preparing dumbbells for next exercises Biceps: Twenty-ones with barbell Triceps: narrow grip bench press Rest 60-90s while preparing dumbbells for next exercises Biceps: reverse grip barbell curls Triceps: dumbbell kick backs Repeat the above five times, the complete workout should take about 45 minutes. If you don't like reconfiguring the dumbbells all the time you can also just do each bicep/triceps combo 5X and then move on to the next combo. Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts. For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either): Nutrition is key to gaining muscle! I cover nutrition on my website, if thats not detailed enough for you I have reviewed and recommended some excellent books: Limitation of Liability: Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program! I am not a medical professional. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate this information and with the help of your physician decide if it is appropriate for you. copyright 2006-2009 LLC
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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