this is my first video its my version of Zoey 101....enjoy plz comment and rate special thanks to 7roleplay11 she gave me the idea to do this make sure to watch her Zaddie story videos
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Time: 01:00
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das ist sido schlechtes vorbild !Angucken!Spaß haben!Singen(wen möglich xD)
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Time: 01:00
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Shakira-Waka Waka(this time for africa)
SHAKIRA FT FRESLYGROUND WAKA WAKA This Time for Africa - by Shakira - South Africa 2010 World Cup Official Song We are pleased to share with you the final version of the song "Waka Waka", chosen by the FIFA to be the Official Song of the upcoming World Cup. Nos complace compartir con ustedes la versión definitiva de "Waka Waka", la nueva canción de Shakira, escogida por la Fifa para ser el himno del mundial de Africa VAMOS SONY NO BORREN EL VIDEO DEJEN QUE PROMOCIONEMOS LA CANCION)
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Time: 01:00
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Proof and Eminem Freestyle *Very Rare*
This is a very rare Eminem and Proof freestyle. This was an interview that was done with Kurt Loder on MTV when Eminem was coming up. They took the Finale of the show to a freestyle in a car where Eminem and Proof actually freestyle; something that a lot of you emcees "claim" to do now-a-days. As you can see, this is documented proof of how well Eminem & Proof meshed when they freestyled together. I apologize to all Proof fans for depriving you of this classic video for so long. I actually ripped this from many many years ago with an old realplayer video ripper called x-fileget, which doesn't work anymore. R.I.P. Proof and much love and condolensces to his family and friends.
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Lying on the eastern part of the Indochinese peninsula, Vietnam is a strip of land shaped like the letter S. China borders it to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, the East Sea to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the east and south. Video brought to you by Travelindex Network and Travel & Tourism Foundation. is the World's largest Travel Directory. We invite you to submit your tourism, travel or destination site for publication, its free, at Useful Links:
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Time: 01:00
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CollegeHumor's favorite be-masked apparition harnesses his chi. See more at An episode of "Hardly Working," the comedy sketch series that the CollegeHumor staff shoots & acts in around our office. We're some of the people that run CH and create CHTV videos. Free CHTV video podcast on iTunes: CH Facebook Fan Page: For more, visit
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Time: 01:00
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Bad Romance - Kuroshitsuji AMV Sebastian/Ciel
WARNING YAOI!!! Yes, I am a bit of a Lady Gaga fanatic!! I felt the need to use her new song I just love it so much!!! Song: Bad Romance Artist: Lady Gaga Anime: Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler Sebastian/Ciel + Lady Gaga = Loooooove!
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Jeff Dunham Achmed's "Jingle Bombs" -- Click to get a FREE Apple iPad Now! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Achmed sings a christmas song, enjoy! Text: Dashing through the sand with a bomb strapped to my back. I have a nasty plan for Christmas in Iraq. I got through checkpoint A, but not through checkpoint B. That's when I got shot in the ass by the US Military... [it's not funny!] Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs Mine blew up you see. Where are all the virgins that Bin Laden promised me? Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs U.S. soldiers shot me dead. The only thing that I have left is this towel up on my head. I used to be a man, but every time I cough, thanks to Uncle Sam, my nuts keep falling off. My bombing days are done. I need to find some work. Perhaps it would be much safer as a convenient store night clerk. Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs I think I got screwed. Don't laugh at me because I'm dead or I'll kill you... I KILL YOUOUOU! Thanks for the text, DJKrazim :) PLEASE SUPPORT JEFF DUNHAM BY BUYING HIS DVDS! Goto for more information! #12 - Most Discussed (All Time) #1 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Humor #5 - Most Viewed (All Time) #44 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Humor - Wereldwijd #2 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Humor #1 - Top Favorites (All Time) #18 - Top Favorites (All Time) - Humor - Wereldwijd #1 - Top Favorites (All Time) - Humor #3 - Top Rated (All Time) #36 - Top Rated (All Time) - Humor - Wereldwijd #1 - Top Rated (All Time) - Humor
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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Naruto-Couples~We belong together
Naruto-Couples Naruto X Hinata Sasuke X Sakura Neji X TenTen Shikamaru X Ino Song: We belong together Artist: Mariah Carey This is my first video, so please don't be too hard to me... thx Hope you like it...
Added by: blogpost_biz
Time: 01:00
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