Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
The fallen are getting their revenge. The Fallen is finally here. If you've got a pulse, it undoubtedly sped up when the new "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" trailer hit the Web recently. In true Michael Bay tradition, the ominous foreshadowing, massive explosions and giant F-in' robots are ... well, awesome. After our detailed analysis of the "Transformers" Super Bowl ad, we're back with our obsessive shot-by-shot breakdown of all the action. So read on and get yourself ready. Because come June 24, we all might just be giving "The Fallen" a standing ovation. 0:09-0:22: In Paris, some locals talk on their cell phones and enjoy the sights. Suddenly, what looks like a pair of meteors come streaking through the sky. Sacre bleu! 0:23-0:24: Egyptian pyramids. Clearly, Bay is trying to portray this "Transformers" struggle as a truly global phenomenon. :27-0:29: An aircraft carrier. 0:31-0:32: Meteors land near the pyramids. 0:33-0:36: Six meteors rain down on a fleet of aircraft carriers. 0:38-0:42: As the meteors pelt one carrier, military planes fall overboard. 0:44-0:49: A slow-motion shot of the fallout from the attack. Underwater, we can see the planes and helicopters falling to their watery graves. Which is all fine and good, but are there any Transformers in this trailer, or is this an ad for "Pearl Harbor 2"? 0:51-0:52: This is what we're looking for: As two men sit at a table in what looks like a kitchen, a Decepticon comes speeding through their walls. Yep, it's an additional shot from that Japanese chase scene that was in the Super Bowl ad. 0:53-0:57: The rest of that Japanese shot. This time, however, the scene is held long enough to show us a quick glimpse of three small "flying" Autobots in hot pursuit. The smart money says that one of them is female Transformer Arcee. 0:58-1:00: Title card: "From director Michael Bay" 1:02-1:08: Something really, really big transforming. As we learned from the end of the Super Bowl trailer, the enormous Devastator will threaten the Autobots in this film. That massive beast is made up of six Decepticons (think Voltron), and what you're looking at is Demolisher, a hydraulic mining excavator that forms its torso. 1:09-1:11 Title card: "And executive producer Steven Spielberg" 1:12-1:19: "You don't stop, you don't hide," Shia's Sam Witwicky barks, just as we saw in the trailer before. "You run. You hear what I'm saying?" Only this time, his father (Kevin Dunn) screams back at him: "We're all going together!" We then see a shot of Megan Fox, also from the Super Bowl ad. 1:20-1:26: Sam picks apart a small, metallic bug, then hears something much larger looming overhead. Most likely, the tiny invader in the shot is an Insecticon, a tick-like creature that can dig into other robots and control them. 1:27-1:28: Shia being pinned down by Starscream. 1:29-1:32: A new shot of Bumblebee, transforming and coming to the defense of Sam's dad. In the sequel, he and his wife finally learn the truth about the existence of the Transformers. 1:32-1:35: A quick shot of Scorpinok attacking Jetfire in the desert. After finishing fourth in a USA Today poll on which Transformers fans wanted in the sequel, the popular Autobot will make his series debut. 1:36: The shot of Ravage we've seen before. 1:38: Optimus Prime takes a brutal hit that sends pieces of him flying everywhere. 1:39: Out in the desert, as a military team flees, the Fallen finally appears. It is our first real glimpse (albeit way too brief) of the film's apocalyptic central villain. We see shots of Shia and Megan reacting in fear, but those appear to be taken from a different scene. 1:55: All hell breaks loose, as the Demolisher (and then some semblance of the Devastator) destroys everything in its wake. A bit more footage is shown, and now we can see a dwarfed Optimus Prime hanging from its neck. 1:55-2:09: The words "Revenge Is Coming," transform into the Decepticon logo.
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 801 |
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Transformers 2 2009 Movie casting call part 1
CHOOSE YOUR ROBOT CAST. this is video is ONLY a WHAT IF?! Transformers 2 trailer casting call. this is unnoficial and purely just for fan viewing while we wait for Mr. Bay's TF Movie for 2009 with a good script (that nobody knows of) for everyones entertainment,- what surprises has he in store?... thank you for visiting. this is NOT THE LEAKED SCRIPT or something and entirely fictional. This video was made to aid not to disperse wrong info. just to pacify for the time while we wait and to give suggestions form fans alike. to send me free tickets will very welcome come 2009. thanks
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 790 |
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Transformers 2 - PS3 Game Trailer
EXPECT MORE TRAILERS INCLUDING EXTENDED TEASER This is the PS3 game trailer or Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen. Oh boy. More messages in my inbox: Comment Posted on Transformers 2... This game looks an infinite amount times better....somehow. Apparently there is also a multiplayer mode included. (In order of appearance) Ironhide - GMC Topkick Pickup Truck (A) Blackout? - Helicopter (D) Bumblebee - 2010 Chevy Camaro (A) Sideways - Audi R8 (D) Optimus Prime - Peterbilt Truck (A) Starscream - F-22 Raptor (D) The Fallen? - ? (D) Transformers belongs to Hasbro, Dreamworks, Paramount Transformers the Game belongs to Activision
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 757 |
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Transformers Spoof . Andy Describes why Optimus is a crappy leader. Transformers 2 Parody.
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 810 |
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Classic Game Room HD reviews TRANSFORMERS 2 DECEPTICONS Version for Nintendo DS. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen comes in many different shapes and sizes, this is the Decepticon Version for Nintendo DS. Play as Starscream, Grindor, Sideways and other Decepticons in this Transformers action video game. This CGRHD review of Transformers 2 Decepticons Version has gameplay footage showing game play of Transformers on Nintendo DS, the Decepticon Edition.
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 786 |
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Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 588 |
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Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer (fan made)
i didn't like my last transformers trailer that much so i decided to make another fan made teaser trailer for Transformers 2....hope you like it! *all rights go to Dreamworks, Paramount, Transformers, and Michael Bay*
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 752 |
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Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Demolishor Review
My Video Review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie Voyager Demolishor. For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1035 |
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Transformers 2 ROTF Movie Deluxe Ice Cream Twins Skids & Mudflap AKA MC Baskins & Robbins Review
My Video Review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie Deluxe Ice Cream Twins Skids & Mudflap aka MC Baskins & Robbins For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Music by Megamoc Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 824 |
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Classic Game Room HD - TRANSFORMERS 2 for Wii review
Classic Game Room HD reviews TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN for Nintendo Wii. It's like the Bumblebee of Transformers video games. It should just transform into a car and drive itself off a cliff. Less than meets the eye kids, less than meets the eye. Buy or rent the AWESOME Transformers Revenge of the Fallen for Xbox 360 or PS3 and avoid this one. In an odd twist of fate (even odder than robots adopting the form of cars and school busses) the Transformers 2 video game has numerous versions... the Xbox 360 and PS3 version, two Nintendo DS versions and this mess on the Nintendo Wii. Sloppy controls, poor graphics and lackluster gameplay make this Transformers game the one to miss. This CGRHD review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen for Wii has gameplay footage from Transformers 2 on Wii showing the video game being played. Play Autobot and Decepticon, both (you can't choose like you can in the 360 version) and play through a variety of mission types where the camera angles add confusion to what could have otherwise been a straight forward punch and shoot brawler.
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 853 |
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Transformers 2 ROTF Movie Deluxe Jolt Review
My Video Review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie Deluxe Jolt Review. For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Music by Megamoc Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 921 |
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Transformers Trailer Blu Ray Disc - H.264 HD 1080p [ YouTube Reverence Video ]
Meagan Fox in Full HD 1080p THIS VIDEO IS IN 1080p H.264 48khz
Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 874 |
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