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Transformers 2 ROTF Movie EZ Collection Legends Devastator Constructicons Review

My Video Review of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie EZ Collection Legends Constructicons Devastator For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Music by Megamoc Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites

video tags: Transformers  ROTF  Revenge  Of  The  Fallen  Movie  Legends  Devastator  Constructicons  EZ  Collection  Sean  Long  Haul  Mix  Master  High  Tower  Overload  Rampage  Scavenger  Scrapper  Megatron  Optimus  Prime  Skids  Mudflap  Ice  Cream  Twins  Human  Alliance  Bumblebee  Sam  Witwicky  Sideswipe  Spoof  Parody  Trailer  Scene  Clip  SeanxLong 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 989 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Marvel and DC Talk Transformers (Marvel/DC/Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Parody)

While trying to enjoy themselves at Spider-Man's expense, the Marvel and DC heroes accidentally cause him to recall some traumatic memories... (Marvel/DC/Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Review/Parody) Visit for more videos like this! Note: This Is A Fair Use Movie/Franchise Review and Parody. ItsJustSomeRandomGuy is the Writer, Performer and Copyright Holder.

video tags: Marvel  DC  Spiderman  Batman  Superman  Mac  PC  Parody  Super  Heroes  Comic  Books  vs.  Iron  Man  Dark  Knight  Wolverine  Watchmen  Transformers  Revenge  of  the  Fallen 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 828 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 ROTF Deep 6 Video Game HD Teaser Trailer Excl

Transformers 2 ROTF Deep 6 Video Game HD Teaser Trailer Exclusive Video Santa Barbara Arts TV / Cliff Baldridge is Official Credentialed Media in The Video Game Industry and for E3 2009 And We are Highlighting Exclusive Trailers. E3 2009

video tags: Transformers  ROTF  Deep  Video  Game  HD  Teaser  Trailer  Exclusive  Santa  Barbara  Arts  TV  Cliff  Baldridge  is  Offic 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1149 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Filming Transformers 2

Filming Transformers 2 On 2008

video tags: Filming  Transformers 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 680 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen 2009 (A Really Good Fake Trailer)

A Fan Trailer with scenes from various movies wich resemble the look of Transformers The Movie like the F22 from HULK or Mechagodzilla wich looks exactly like Trypticon with his backpack. Movies used: Red planet, Hulk, Returner, Armageddon, Transformers, War of the worlds, Godzilla, The Core, Terminator2 and 3, Stealth, Robot Jox, New York Taxi, SWAT, Bad Boys 2, Die Hard 4, X-Men 3, TF The Game, various commercials #26 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Film & Animation (Fr, 6.02.09) #24 - Most Responded (All Time) - Film & Animation (Fr, 6.02.09) #20 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Film & Animation (Fr, 6.02.09)

video tags: Transformers  Revenge  of  the  Fallen  2009  Trailer  Michael  Bay  Casting  Call 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 697 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 Trailer (fan made)

my fan made trailer for Transformers 2....due to be released summer of 2009

video tags: Transformers  Trailer  fan  made  megan  fox  shia  labeouf  optimus  prime  megatron  starscream  witwicky  autobots  decepticons 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 779 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to protect humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle.

video tags: yt:qualityhigh  Transformers  action  new  movie  trailer  blacktree  media  micfx  shia  labeouf  megan  fox  josh  duhamel  tyrese  gibson  john  turturro 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 805 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2: Closer look at Devastator and The Fallen

NAME OF THE SONG IS DREAMSCAPE!!! ---EDIT--- WOOOO over 300,000 views :D Transformers 2: Closer look at Devastator and The Fallen This is just a short video i put together for those of you who aren't very familiar with the Transformers Universe and you might not know who Devastator of the Fallen are. And because I know you going to ask... NO! "The Revenge of the Fallen" is not used to represent the Decepticions just because they lost in the 1st movie, and NO!!! The Fallen IS NOT Megatron!!! The Fallen is one of the original thirteen Transformers created by Primus, the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his creator by siding with Primus's dark twin, the malevolent planet-eater Unicron. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, the Fallen fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged in another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the "underspace" between dimensions. Devastator is the combined form of the Constructicons (Scavenger, Scrapper, Hightower, Longhaul, Rampage, Overload, and Mixmaster. The giant one-wheeled robot as seen in the trailers is Demolisher, and no, he is NOT a part of Devastator) The team's combined form of is brutality in its purest form—his sole purpose is to destroy anything and everything that gets in his way. It is ironic that the suitably intelligent Constructicons should sacrifice their thinking ability in their combined form, but simple-mindedness is a common limitation of the assorted other first-generation combining Transformers, because Devastator's thoughts and actions are limited to what his six components can agree upon at any given time. Consequently, Devastator seems like a being of instinct, lashing out at everything around him before contemplating the consequences, but he is also slow and lumbering and very easy to trip up. Here Are Some Cool Facts About Transformers 2 :D - 14 robots last time, 46 robots this time (ILM only) - If you had all the gold ever mined in the history of man, you could build a little more than half of Devastator. - Optimus Prime will be life size on IMAX screens in many forest fight shots. - Devastator's hand is traveling 390 miles per hour when he punches the pyramid. - The pyramid destruction simulation was 8 times bigger than the old rigid simulation all-time record holder at ILM. - All robot parts laid out end to end would stretch from one side of California to the other, about 180 miles - Devastator's parts stacked tip to tip would be as tall as 58 empire state buildings. - If all the texture maps on the show were printed on 1 square yard sheets, they would cover 13 football fields. Disk Space - Trans1 took 20 Terabytes of disk space. Trans2 took 145 Terabytes. Seven times bigger! - 145 terabytes would fill 35,000 DVDs. Stacked one on top of the other without storage cases, they would be 145 feet tall. Rendering Times - If you rendered the entire movie on a modern home PC, you would have had to start the renders 16,000 years ago (when cave paintings like the Hall of Bulls were being made) to finish for this year's premier! - A single imax shot in the movie (df250) would have taken almost 3 years to render on a top of the line home PC running nonstop. - IMAX frame render times: As high as 72 hours per frame! IMAX - Optimus Prime will be life size on IMAX screens in many forest fight shots. - IMAX frames take about 6 times longer than anamorphic to render. - IMAX frame render times: As high as 72 hours per frame! ILM Screen Time - ILM Screen Time is about 51 minutes. Devastator - Devastator is as tall as a 10 story building. - Devastator has more than 10 times the number of individual parts found in an average car. - Laid out end to end, Devastator's parts would be almost 14 miles long. Devastator Totals - Number of geom pieces: 52632 - The total number of polygons: 11,716,127 - The total length of all pieces: 73090 feet - The total length of all pieces: 13.84 miles

video tags: Transformers  2:  Revenge  of  the  fallen  Closer  look  at  Devastator  and  shia  labeouf  megan  fox  broadbandtv  viso  film  movie  clips  story  video  media  show  cinema  theatre  studio  box  office  review  preview  listings  hollywood  trailer  teaser  coming  soon  opening  release  date  dvd  tv  directed  produced  soundtrack  extras  cast  entertainment  amazing  gossip  rumor  interview  action  adventure  speed  exciting  extreme  danger  rotf 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1239 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 ROTF Movie Voyager Mix Master Review

My Video Review of the Transformers 2 Revenge of The Fallen Movie Voyager Mix Master! For All The Latest Releases & Pre-orders for Transformers, Marvel, DC, GI Joe, TMNT, and More Visit For All Your Transformers Needs Buy From Music by Megamoc Subscribe to my Vlog Channel at Twitter Me! My Blog, Videos, Updates, Transformers News & Reviews at and If you like my vids please subscribe to my channel. Sundays 1pm-3pm Pacific Standard Time Special Fan Live Show Saturdays 3pm to Whenever on Support My Friends Sites

video tags: Transformers  ROTF  Revenge  of  The  Fallen  Movie  Voyager  Mix  Master  Review  Sean  Long  Haul  Longhaul  Demolishor  Rampage  Devastator  Decepticon  Mixing  Truck  Leader  Megatron  Starscream  Soundwave  Optimus  Prime  Bumblebee  Ravage  Sideswipe  Sideways  Skids  Mudflap  Acree  SeanxLong 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 824 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen Trailer

Get a view unlike any other one you'll find on the net of this exclusive trailer featured on the movie Friday The 13th which just has barely been released. Transformers 2 is apperently set to release on June 26, 2009. Enjoy!!

video tags: Transformers  Shia  Lebouf  Megan  Fox  Michael  Bay  Revenge  of  the  Fallen 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 717 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 Exclusive BIG HOME VIDEO Trailer

To Buy the Original BLURAY's, DVD's & VCD's - Visit

video tags: transformers  trailer  megan  fox 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 620 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated

Transformers 2 Shia LeBeouf Gameplay

Transformers 2 Shia LeBeouf Gameplay Teaser E3 2009 ALL ACCESS PRESS WII DS DSi PSP PS3 GLOBAL BREAKING VIDEOGAME VIDEOGAME NEWS Los Angeles Convention Center Behind the Scenes Official Credentialed Media for E3 2009 Santa Barbara Arts TV / Cliff Baldridge is Official Credentialed Media for E3 2009 And We are Highlighting Exclusive videos From E3 2009 Video Games Videogames Video Game

video tags: Transformers  Shia  LeBeouf  Gameplay  Teaser  E3  2009  ALL  ACCESS  PRESS  WII  DS  DSi  PSP  PS3  GLOBAL  BREAKING  VIDEOGAME  VIDEO 

Added: June 11, 2010, 4:07 pm
Time: 01:00 | Views: 798 | Comments: 0 | Rating: Not yet rated