Justin Bieber Biography Justin Bieber talks about his rise to the top in this exclusive footage from Billboard Magazine. Justin Bieber's One Time first single is discussed, as well as answers to some questions about Justin's new album "My World" coming out later this year. Learn about how Justin was found through YouTube and caught in a bidding war between his favorite pop stars, Usher and Justin Timberlake. Check out some of the highest quality footage of Justin Bieber at Billboard channel... http://www.youtube.com/billboardmagazine For more info on Billboard Magazine check out their Wiki page... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_(magazine) Answers to more questions... * When is Justin's album being released? My World is scheduled to be released November 17th, 2009. * When is Justin Bieber's birthday? March 1st, 1994 * How old is Justin Bieber? Justin is 15 years old and turns 16 on March 1st, 2010. * What is Justin Bieber's youtube? His official account are http://www.youtube.com/kidrauhl http://www.youtube.com/justinbieber * How can I find Justin Bieber's tour dates? Check out his official website below http://www.justinbiebermusic.com * Where can I find Justin Bieber pictures? You can find pictures on Justin Bieber's official website and the sites below... http://www.justinbiebermusic.com http://www.myspace.com/justinbieber http://www.facebook.com/justinbieber http://www.tinyurl.com/fansite http://www.bieberzone.tk * Where can I find exclusve Justin Bieber pictures? Aside from Justin's official accounts, a number of fans have shot exclusives of Justin and have them available for others to use. Some of their websites and channels are listed below. http://www.rapiddiscoverymedia.com http://www.bieberzone.tk Have you shot exclusives of Justin and want to share with others? Do you have a fansite you'd like to promote? Want to join Justin's #1 Street team including channels like BieberTeam, BieberZone, FansOfJustin and JustinBieberFan02? We want to hear from you! Leave a message or comment. Justin Bieber on the Today Show... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLSBCs2NnwQ Video © 2009 Nielsen Business Media. All rights reserved. Shortcut to this video... http://tinyurl.com/JustinBio Promotion by Rapid Discovery Media http://tinyurl.com/rdm What makes Rapid Discovery Media different? Rapid Discovery Media is a Digital Label, A/V Production and Social Network Marketing company focusing exclusively on assisting struggling songwriters and promoting original videos. With 4 years in social networking including 2 years experience assisting major recording artist Justin Bieber (UMG/IDJMG) with media production, accounts management, promotion and consultation, we share our artists music with the world on this channel for free. For more information contact Rapid Discovery Media at (416) 578-3955 or send us a message. Rapid Discovery Media - Your answer to online exposure.
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 988 |
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For a back-story on this video, and for a free download for the little "Dancing Like Justin" song, visit my website: http://charliemcdonnell.com/justin-bieber-fever/ Partner in crime: http://youtube.com/michaelaranda The video I was watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LCDO-euIIc
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 712 |
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justin bieber ft Ludacris - baby [official studio version]
Baby- Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris. Help make it #1 by buying it on ITUNES available NOW! Find the Golden Ticket in Justin's MY WORLD album and you could win a chance to star in the BABY music video with Justin and Ludacris! More info on Justin Bieber: Debut Album MY WORLD in STORES and on ITUNES NOW!! There are GOLDEN TICKETS in the albums. Find the winning GOLDENT TICKET and get a Private concert in your Backyard for you and your friends...or win 2nd prize and be in Justin's Music Video!! The winning ticket is still out there in an album in a store right now. FIND IT!! About Justin: Justin Bieber is a 15 year old small town kid from Stratford ON (pop. 30k) who posted videos on youtube for fun and then was discovered at 13 and is now living a dream he never thought possible thanks to the support of fans like you. One of the fastest growing artists in the world today, make sure to check out Justin's other videos and his chart rising singles ONE TIME and ONE LESS LONELY GIRL. Justin's debut album "My World" is in Stores and on ITUNES now!! MY WORLD Part 2 is due out in March and its first single is BABY feat Ludacris New Official Site: http://www.justinbiebermusic.com Follow Justin Bieber on twitter: @justinbieber http://www.twitter.com/justinbieber facebook - http://www.facebook.com/justinbieber myspace - http://www.myspace.com/justinbieber Subscribe and check back for new videos and updates!
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 891 |
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Maddie Moore's Justin Bieber's One Time Official Contest Entry
IMPORTANT: ** We worked extremely hard on this video. It was a a lot of work, planning, and post production. It took us a week to put this together! ** Music copyright property of Universal Music Group ** We legally own all of the software we used to make our video (no illegal programs). ** We followed all of the rules listed on Justin Bieber's official contest video page. Our video follows all of the rules stated. ** We live in California (The United States) Hello everyone! This is my entry into Justin Biebers Official One Time video contest. I hope you all enjoy the video. I worked so hard on it and had such a fun time making it. I am such a huge fan of Justin Bieber and his music and would love to meet him. So enjoy watching this video and please be sure to rate/comment! Also, dont forget to go to iTunes and check out/buy Justin Bieber's new song "One Time"! Here is a direct link to the "One Time" iTunes page: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=321589198&s=143441 Also, make sure to check out the original "One Time" music video by Justin Bieber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-qQdw7Xpv4 Thank you!! CONTACT INFORMATION: kellenmoore123@gmail.com (IMPORTANT: the previous e-mail address we used, kellenmoore@hauntedmansion.com, is no longer working. Please do not contact us on that e-mail. use the one listed above. thank you).
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 725 |
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justin bieber performing One Time live
Justin Bieber singing One Time at six flags new england. never knew he had soo many fans ;] he is majorly adorable
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 624 |
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Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Kiss Or Just Friends? HD LIVE Baby One Less Lonely Girl Naturally
Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Kiss Or Just Friends? HD Baby One Less Lonely Girl Naturally More Ft Camp Rock 2 One Time Favorite Girl Last Dance One Heart January 2010
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 786 |
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Justin Bieber ft. Lil Wayne: Bieber Fever! Key of Awesome #19
Bieber Fever! The only cure is to disable the brain. Just ask Lil Wayne. The 19th video in the Key of Awesome series. Directed by Tom Small. Music Reproduction by Jake Chudnow. Lyrics / Vocals by Mark Douglas Bieber: is Jan Uczkowsk Bieber vocals: Carolyn Castiglia Lil Wayne Vocals by Keith from Up Tha Block http://www.youtube.com/keithfromupdablock Lyrics: Hey yo, its me again. Im everywhere and Im still rockin lesbian hair Im on your T.V. Im on your phone I declare this world a Bieber zone Im made of cupcakes, ice cream, and flowers Young girls are helpless to my dark powers They cant stop screaming they dont know why They pee their pants then they fall down and cry Chorus All these shorties got Bieber Bieber Fever They love me like Milfs love Derek Jeter I got em drooling like golden retrievers They all bow down to me cus I am their leader SCIENTIST It starts with screaming, and OMGing Followed by weeping and lots of tweeting Once theyre infected they are insane The only cure is to disable the brain JASPER I hate this pop crap, I like to rock Hes worse than Backstreet Brothers on the Block. CHET Hes aint so bad, he could be worse. (He becomes hypnotized) I think I love him. JASPER (Hes now hypnotized as well) Hey, I saw him first! SCIENTIST If your daughter catches Bieber Bieber fever Chop off her head with a meat cleaver REPORTER Can adults contract Bieber fever? SCIENTIST Yes! But its mostly single moms and substitute teachers. Lil Wayne Weezy F. Baby and you know Im paid I dont want to drink no Bieber Kool aid I sip on syrup and smoke that Cheeba Im way too gangta for Justin Bieber I dont want to do a do a duet This little motherfuckers gonna ruin my rep Every rapper has to do a song with this cutie Its the hip-hop version of jury duty Ill never sell out, cus Im little Wheezy Im feeling light headed and a little queasy Wanna carry you around on my shoulders And tattoo your name up on my shoulders You could be my little caucasian brother If we go to the movies do we have to bring Usher? I got a baby mama but I want to leave her Cus I gotta bad case of the Bieber Fever BIEBER Bieber Bieber Fever Now the whole planets got Bieber Fever The streets will flow with blood of the non-believers Theres no defense against Bieber Fever LIL WAYNE Bieberback, Bieberback. Bieberback, ribs. Yummy. MORE BARELY: Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=barelypolitical Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/barelypolitical http://www.twitter.com/barelydigital Visit our arcade! http://www.youtube.com/barelyarcade Check out our websites http://www.barelypolitical.com http://www.barelydigital.com Like our page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thekeyofawesome http://www.facebook.com/barelypolitical http://www.facebook.com/barelydigital Leave us a voicemail 1-(646)-827-2202
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 753 |
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Justin Bieber - Favorite Girl & One Time [ Live Ellen Show 11/03/2009 ]
Justin Bieber performs " Favorite Girl & One Time" Live on The Ellen Degeneres Show November 03, 2009 Justin Bieber - MTV ARTIST OF THE WEEK: - Never Let You Go (Bieberworld) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNb4yGMUFQk - One Less Lonely Girl (Bieberzone) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tX2u2NFGZk - Favorite Girl (Marylishezz) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTN27gvy3dc Watch: JUSTIN BIEBER's 48 HRS with DIDDY !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxHwfTpQjpc See Justin Bieber on: Live! With Regis and Kelly - 11/12/2009 True Jackson, VP - 11/14/2009 Good Morning America - 11/15/2009 The Ellen Degeneres Show - 11/17/2009 Lopez Tonight - 11/17/2009 Justice Store - 11/20/2009 The Wendy Williams Show - 11/27/2009 107.9 The End Jingle Ball - 12/1/2009 93.7 KRQ Johnjay & Rich Strictly Tucson Phooson - 12/4/2009 KDWB 101.3 Jingle Ball 2009 - 12/6/2009 Q102 Jingle Ball 2009 - 12/9/2009 KISS 108 Jingle Ball - 12/10/2009 Z100's Jingle Ball - 12/11/2009 B96 Jingle Bash - 12/12/2009 Star 94 Jingle Jam - 12/17/2009 KRBE Not So Silent Night - 12/18/2009 Radio Disney Holiday Concert - 12/19/2009 106.9 K HITS Jingle Ball - 12/20/2009
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 830 |
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Justin Bieber does the glide with Jake and Ernie D on Radio Disney
Justin Bieber on Radio Disney as he chats with Ernie D and Jake from Radio Disney on how to do the glide. For more clips of your favorite Radio Disney artists, go to http://radiodisney.com/
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 868 |
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Justin Bieber in Australia on Sunrise in HD (Australia)
Share this link http://bit.ly/BieberSingsOnSunrise After JB's only Australian concert was canceled, moved and canceled again due to huge crowds, 5000 fans stormed our studios. We snuck Mr Bieber in a back entrance and then surprised the crowd after the police allowed us to have him sing one song! Read more at http://bit.ly/BieberOnSunrise
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 837 |
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Justin Bieber "One Time" (Farmville SPOOF)
Justin Bieber One Time Parody! Justin Bieber parody TWITTER: http://twitter.com/WinterSpringPro T-Shirts 15$ http://www.districtlines.com/Winter-Spring-Pro 2nd Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/WSPextra FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1709846587&ref=ts DAILYBOOTH: http://dailybooth.com/DailyWSP Voice by: Charlie Puth: http://www.youtube.com/charliesvlogs Special guests: Brittani Taylor: http://www.youtube.com/user/brittaniLouiseTaylor iJustine: http://www.youtube.com/user/ijustine Supermac18: http://www.youtube.com/user/supermac18 Fierceco: http://www.youtube.com/user/fierceco Image by: http://www.youtube.com/treycurtis Joey's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joey-Graceffa/177617603842 Brittany's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=610247512&ref=ts Justin Bieber One Time Parody Lyrics! Me plus you (im a play it all night) (im a play it all night)(im a play it all night) (im a play it all night)(im a play it all night) (im a play it all night) all night When I play farmville my heart goes knock knock Now them headaches that I get will not stop stop And even though its an addiction its what I got so we gonna keep keep harvest till we get the crops Justine plays Farmville and her farm is ugly My farm is beautiful And it is amazing Chorus: It's my One love The One game Youll be addicted for sure They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) And itl be your best friend your social life (You cant go out with your friends because your trying to plant fake crops do you realize how stupid that sounds?) They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) hey You Look so fun You know that it frustrates me It takes too long to grow some mother fucking wheat Many hours I sit around and wait for you Im up at 3am just to harvest you Britani just started And her life is over She will be addicted just like us Chorus: Its my One love my one game Youll be addicted for sure They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) they will tell one time (that we love, that we love it) And itl be by best friend Your social life (omg your dog just got hit by a car dont bother me im playing Farmville) They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) they will tell one time (that we love, that we love it) Justine right here send me a gift pretty please im only gonna ask you one time ill give you anything you need im down to my last lime This makes me happy I love world peace Right here at farm Ville Justines farm is still ugly Chorus: Its my One love My one game youl be addicted for sure they will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) they will tell one time (that we love, that we love it) And itl be by best friend Your social life (you know what im just gonna stop playing it now, oh yes my strawberrys have finished growing) They will tell you one time (that we love, that we love it) they will tell one time (that we love, that we love it)
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 1022 |
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Justin Bieber Walks into Glass Door
Justin Bieber Walks into Glass Door
Added: June 11, 2010, 10:19 am
Time: 01:00 | Views: 623 |
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