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Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009

Signup Free Music at @ More Music Sources at Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 Shakira - Did it again - Live Performance at the X Factor UK 2009 She perform Did it again at the X Factor 2009 Shakira Live UK Wolf Performance lucie jones jamie lloyd jedward beyonce and lady gaga telephone twilight movie drake forever flo rida taylor britney spears hot sexy madonna

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1004 | Comments: 0

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Shakira Live & Off The Record Part 18-18 - Whenever, Wherever

Shakira - Whenever, Wherever LYRICS: Lucky you were born that far away so We could both make fun of distance Lucky that I love a foreign land for The lucky fact of your existence Baby I would climb the Andes solely To count the freckles on your body Never could imagine there were only Ten Million ways to love somebody Le ro lo le lo le, Le ro lo le lo le Can't you see I'm at your feet Whenever, wherever We're meant to be together I'll be there and you'll be near And that's the deal my dear Thereover, hereunder You'll never have to wonder We can always play by ear But that's the deal my dear Lucky that my lips not only mumble They spill kisses like a fountain Lucky that my breasts are small and humble So you don't confuse them with mountains Lucky I have strong legs like my mother To run for cover when I need it And these two eyes that for no other The day you leave will cry a river Le ro le le lo le, Le ro le le lo le At your feet I'm at your feet Whenever, wherever We're meant to be together I'll be there and you'll be near And that's the deal my dear Thereover, hereunder You'll never have to wonder We can always play by ear But that's the deal my dear Le ro le le lo le, Le ro le le lo le Think out loud Say it again Le ro lo le lo le lo le Tell me one more time That you'll live Lost in my eyes Whenever, wherever We're meant to be together I'll be there and you'll be near And that's the deal my dear Thereover, hereunder You've got me head over heels There's nothing left to fear If you really feel the way I feel

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 845 | Comments: 0

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Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live

Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live --------- DOWNLOAD THESE SONGS DIRECTLY TO YOUR MOBILE PHONE: LEARN HOW TO DOWNLOAD VIDEOS FROM YOUTBE ON YOUR PC AND WATCH THEM: -------- Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live Shakira - She Wolf / Give It Up To Me - NBA All-Star Game Half Time Show Live

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 901 | Comments: 0

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Shakira Live & Off The Record Part 17-18 - Objection (Tango)

Shakira - Objection (Tango) LYRICS: It's not her fault that she's so irresistible But all the damage she's caused isn't fixable Every twenty seconds you repeat her name But when it comes to me you don't care If I'm alive or dead So objection I don't wanna be the exception To get a bit of your attention I love you for free and I'm not your mother But you don't even bother Objection I'm tired of this triangle Got dizzy dancing tango I'm falling apart in your hands again No way I've got to get away Next to her cheap silicon I look minimal That's why in front of your eyes I'm invisible But you gotta know small things also count You better put your feet on the ground And see what it's about so Objection I don't wanna be the exception To get a bit of your attention I love you for free and I'm not your mother But you don't even bother Objection the angles of this triagle Got dizzy dancing tango I'm falling apart in your hands again No no no no no I wish there was a chance for you and me I wish you couldn't find a place to be Away from here This is pathetic and sardonic It's sadistic and psychotic Tango is not for three Was never meant to be But you can try it Rehearse it Or train like a horse But don't you count on me Don't you count on me boy Objection I don't wanna be the exception To get a bit of your attention I love you for free and I'm not your mother But you don't even bother Objection I'm tired of this triangle Got dizzy dancing tango I'm falling apart in your hands again No way I've got to get away Get away, get away, hey hey hey get away he hey I'm falling apart in your hands again get away hey hey I'm falling apart in your hands again get away get away

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 865 | Comments: 0

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Waka Waka, Shakira / Waving Flag K'naan (Official World Cup Song)

Cover from Paulina and I ! Thank you SOO much guys! Add my Facebook!

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 968 | Comments: 0

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Waka Waka, Shakira / Waving Flag K'naan (Official World Cup Song)

Mexico - México Ελλάδα- Greece South Africa- Suid Afrika Uruguay- Uruguay France- Francia Argentina- Argentina England- England USA- USA Algeria- Algérie Slovenia- Slovenija Germany- Deutschland Australia- Australia Ghana- Ghana Netherlands- Nederland Cameroon- Cameroon Denmark- Danmark Italy- Italia New Zealand -- New Zealand Paraguay- Paraguay Slovakia- Slovensko Brazil- Brasil Portugal- Portugal Spain -- España Honduras- Honduras Chile- Chile Switzerland- Zwitserland 대한민국 남한 - South Korea 북한 - North Korea Србија -- Serbia 日本 - Japan africa 2010 svetovni pokal pesem Slovenian Afrika VMi 2010 sang Danish Afrika WK 2010 song German Africa 2010 world cup song English Africa 2010 chanson coupe du monde French Africa 2010 canção Copa do Mundo Portuguese Afrika 2010 svetovni pokal pesem Slovenian Africa 2010 coppa del mondo song Italian

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1108 | Comments: 0

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Abgelaufen und Abgegammelt

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 809 | Comments: 0

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Sido - Schlechtes Vorbild + Lyrics / Songtext

Sido - Schlechtes Vorbild + Lyrics / Songtext - No Official KOSTENLOSEN Sido Song gibts bei: MYSPACE von Sido: Aggro Berlin: SIDO SCHLECHTES VORBILD ICH AGGRO BERLIN AGGROTV GRIFFAN KIFFEN SIDO LIVE Lyrics von Schlechtes Vorbild: Scheiß egal eh.. Das Gesetz bedeutet nichts für mich ich geb schon immer nen Fick drauf was richtig ist ich hab ne große fresse auch wenn du ein grizzly bist mein freund ich bin wie ich bin weil es ist wies ist ich hab ne abneigung gegen lehrer und ne sechs in mathe ich habs ihm einfach weggenommen wenn er was besseres hatte ich behalt alles für mich ich geb nie ab ich scheiß auf mitleid und gefühle ich geb n fiack ich bin unberechenbar ich lass nicht mir mir reden ich hab kein problem damit die kasse mitzunehmen und dir nen tritt zu geben wenn du mich stresst du penner denn wir hier bei der sekte regeln das wie echte männer Homeboy ich kann es sehn du würdest gerne sein wie ich du würdest alles tun für ein leben aus meiner sicht denn deins ist langweilig, du bist brav wie immer und ich geh ab los machs mir nach du spinner Ich bin all das wovor deine eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab geld, hab frauen, hab spass und du musst immer noch bahn fahren ich bin ein schlechtes vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist? ich passe nicht in dein konzept egal mir geht es prächtig pass doch auf, hör mir zu, machs mir nach machs mir nach du spinner ich bleib so wie ich bin egal was ihr sagt mein körper ist eine ruine denn ich nehm viele drogen immer wenn ich high bin mutiere ich zum philosophen die welt ist klein, denn ich betrachte sie von oben ich bin unerzogen abgehoben haut ab ihr idioten ich trinke wie ein loch doch das ist meine sache warum ist das ein problem? weil ichs nicht heimlich mache ich bin immer erlich und ja ich bin gefährlich ich nehm den laden auseinander und tu so als wär nix ich hab kein respekt ich bin zu keinem nett und wenn dein neues handy weg ist hab ichs eingesteckt ich bin ein rüpel ein raudi und ich kann nervensägen gib mir ne glotze und nen joint ich brauch nicht mehr zum leben man sucht mein herz vergebens ich kann keinem trauen das ist der Ernst des Lebens erstmal einen bauen ich schwing an der lampe durchs zimmer wie tarzan ich bin der vor dem sie dich immer gewarnt haben Ich bin all das wovor deine eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab geld, hab frauen, hab spass und du musst immer noch bahn fahren ich bin ein schlechtes vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist? ich passe nicht in dein konzept egal mir geht es prächtig pass doch auf, hör mir zu, machs mir nach machs mir nach du spinner ich bleib so wie ich bin egal was ihr sagt wenn euer kind versucht wie ich zu sein, dann lasst es machen man lernt nicht das feuer heiß ist ohne es mal anzufassen woher wollt ihr wissen was gut ist, wenn nichts schlecht ist? wenn nichts schön ist, bin ich auch nicht hässlich seid doch erlich, ihr wart doch auch mal jung und habt gekifft oder woher kommen die raucherlungen tut nicht so als wenn ihr engel wart ihr habt leichen im keller wie jeder andere, also seid leise ihr penner vertraut euerm kind, ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht meine mutter hat das auch geschafft und sie hat es nicht bereut du musst einfach das kind in dir rauslassen bis deine kinder auf ihre kinder aufpassen Ich bin all das wovor deine eltern dich immer gewarnt haben doch ich hab geld, hab frauen, hab spass und du musst immer noch bahn fahren ich bin ein schlechtes vorbild na und wer sagt was schlecht ist? ich passe nicht in dein konzept egal mir geht es prächtig pass doch auf, hör mir zu, machs mir nach machs mir nach du spinner ich bleib so wie ich bin egal was ihr sagt sido schlechtes vorbild lyrics songtext mein block ich und meine maske aggro tv berlin high quality hq neu new hot no official video offizielles german deutschland charts top lied kostenlos download musik music Xatar Kurdistan bba bonn brüser berg tannenbusch tbc bad Snoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot: MTV Version go kanacken kanakonda massiv azad bozz giwar sami b-o-doppel-n alpa gun bushido ecko la honda köln neuköln kurdistan PKK Fickt Bozkurts Apo Serhado Ronaldo Ronaldinho Snoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot: MTV VersionSnoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot: akon - I Wanna Love You: MTV/Regular version Closed Captioned MTV VersionSnoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot: MTV VersionSnoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot: MTV Version

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 845 | Comments: 0

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Craig David ~ Apartment 543

Craig David - Apartment 543. No copyright infringement is intended. Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk to me (2x) (Oh, Oh, Oooh, Yeeah) Girl, when you call me on the phone Said you're all alone I said that you could drive by my way You said that I was the only one Found the time had come For us to keep it real Oh yeah Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk to me 999 in an emergency I'll be everything you need Satisfaction guaranteed Simply you dont have to go nowhere Baby, you can just stay right here You know anything Theres no need to fear I'm promising my dear Oh Yeah Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk to me 999 in an emergency I'll be everything you need Satisfaction guranteed Oh Ooh Theres many things I've said Theres many things I've done Found the time had come For us to keep it real Oh yeah And lady, I aint gonna cry It aint my way And all I've got to say All you gotta do Baby! Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk to me 999 in an emergency I'll be everything you need Satisfaction guranteed I think I sing it again Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk talk talk 999 in an emergency I'll be everything you need Satisfaction guranteed Catch me in apartment 543 Dial my number if you wanna just talk to me 999 in an emergency I'll be everything you need Satisfaction guranteed Oh right All you gotta do baby Catch me, apartment 543 Gettin', gettin' through to me Apartment 543 All ya gotta do lady Dial apartment 543 And you will get through to me Apartment 543....

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 706 | Comments: 0

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Craig David ~ Human

Craig David - Human. No copyright infringement is intended. (To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop) (To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop) Come on baby, dry your eyes Wipe your tears Never meant to see you cry (Craig David's on the rise, ah, uh, check it out) I wouldn't ever try to hurt you I just needed someone to hold me To fill this void while you were gone To fill this space of emptiness Oh Lady I'm only human Of flesh and blood I'm made I'm only human Born to make mistakes If you want to say goodbye That's your deal I'll just have to serve my time 'Til you're near, Lady I wouldn't ever try to hurt you I just needed someone to hold me To fill this void while you were gone To fill this space of emptiness Oh Lady I'm only human Of flesh and blood I'm made I'm only human Born to make mistakes (To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stop To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stop) (Craig David's on the rise, ah, uh, check it out) I'm only human What am I supposed to do? I'm only human, lady Lady I'm only human What am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to make mistakes I'm only human I'm only human What am I supposed to do now, baby? What am I supposed to do? I'm only human What am I supposed to do, baby? Human, lady Human, human, baby I'm only human, lady, lady What am I supposed to do? I'm only human, lady I'm only human What am I supposed to do?

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 770 | Comments: 0

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Craig David - 7 Days 2008

live from radio contact rnb 2008

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 816 | Comments: 0

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Craig David - Officially yours (Live) - Gala nº 3 - OT 2008

Craig David sings "Officially yours" in the Spanish TV Show "Operación Triunfo" (Tuesday, 29th April 2008)

Channels: Music 

Added: 5357 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1146 | Comments: 0

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