Fitness - 600 Rep Sexier Body Workout
To follow all of Zuzana's daily home workouts and diet advice, visit her fitness blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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To ask Zuzana a question about fitness, diet or exercise visit her blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Booty Moving Workout
To follow all of Zuzana's home workout routines and diet tips, visit her fitness blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
Views: 726 |
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Fitness - Sweet Body Burn Workout
To follow Zuzana's daily home workouts and diet tips visit her fitness blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Full Body Burn Workout
For all the information that you need to follow this workout, including sets, reps and pictures explaining how to perform each exercise visit: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Abs Core Cardio Workout
Visit Zuzana's blog http://www.BodyRock.Tv for all the sets and reps info that you will need to follow this workout. Post your time and compete with a growing community of supportive fitness enthusiasts.
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
Views: 733 |
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Fitness - Brutal 500 Rep Workout
10 exercises x 50 reps as fast as you can. Visit http://www.BodyRock.Tv for all of Zuzana's fitness video challenges and daily workouts.
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Killer 550 Rep Workout
11 Exercises x 50 Reps Each As Fast As Possible. Take the Challenge and Try and Beat Zuzana. Post Your Time on http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Abs Fitness Workout how to get six pack abs
Many people want know : " how to get six pack " or " how to Abs " , answer is easy : " Use this Abs workout " . Your Fitness instructor now is free, just click play and see this video abs workout , follow the music. We advise the better way for do this abs workout , is see before instruction for each abs exercises that compose this workout. Use this best Abs workout for have a perfect abdominals , fast and quick!
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Sexy Body On Fire Workout
To follow all of Zuzana's daily home workouts, diet tips and fashion hauls visit her blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
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Fitness - Dive Bomber Push Ups Exercise
Part 2 of the Summer Fit Circuit Workout.For more free fitness videos, workout routines and diet and exercise plans visit Zuzana's fitness site: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
Views: 1035 |
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Fitness - Tight Summer Booty Workout
To follow all of Zuzana's daily home workouts and diet tips visit her fitness blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv
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Added: 5307 days ago by
Runtime: 01:00 |
Views: 5382 |
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