Videos with tag educational
Results 1-4 of 4

Breiter Rücken Training - Kurzhantel Übungen

Christoph stellt euch zwei Grundübungen mit der Kurzhantel für das Rücken bzw. Latissimus Training zu Hause oder Fitnessstudio vor. - Einarmiges Rudern mit Kurzhantel - Rudern vorgebeugt mit Kurzhantel Pro Übungen solltet ihr 3 Sätze mit jeweils 8 bis 12 Wiederholungen absolvieren! Wer einen schönen V-Förmigen Rücken haben möchte, sollte diese Übungen in sein Latissimus Training mit einbauen. Du suchst Kurzhanteln an denen du das Gewicht verändern kannst? Dann findest du hier ein 30 Kg Hantelset - oder hier ein 20 Kg Hantelset - Falls euch das Video gefallen hat gebt uns ein "Daumen Hoch" Musik von Autor: Optimistic

Channels: Sports 

Added: 4590 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1742 | Comments: 0

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Epic Sexy Abs Workout

To follow all of Zuzana's home workouts, diet tips and fashion hauls visit her blog: http://www.BodyRock.Tv

Channels: Fitness 

Added: 5211 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1129 | Comments: 0

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Lunch Bully

This is a short film I made to teach my students about perseverance.

Channels: Music 

Added: 5272 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 860 | Comments: 0

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Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at

Channels: Education & Instructional 

Added: 5275 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 738 | Comments: 0

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