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Brustmuskeltraining - Kurzhantel Übungen für die Brust

Rafael stellt euch drei Fitness Grundübungen für das Brust Training zu Hause oder Fitnessstudio vor, ausführbar mit nur zwei Kurzhantel. Bei den vorgestellten Brustmuskel Übungen arbeitet der Trizeps als Hilfsmuskel mit! - Bankdrücken mit Kurzhantel - Butterfly mit Kurzhantel auch Fliegende genannt - Dips mit zwei bzw. einem Hocker Pro Übungen solltet ihr 3 Sätze mit jeweils 8 bis 12 Wiederholungen absolvieren! Die vorgestellten Übungen könnt ihr z.B. in euren Trainingsplan mit einbauen. Wer die Brustmuskeln trainiert sollte auch seine Rückenmuskulatur trainieren um Haltungsschäden vorzubeugen. Beine anwinkeln um ein Hohlkreuz zu verhindern. ACHTUNG: Du benötigst Kurzhanteln? Dann schau dir mal dieses 20 Kg Set an - falls es mehr Gewicht sein soll findest du hier ein 30Kg Set - Falls euch das Video gefallen hat gebt uns ein "Daumen Hoch" Besuch uns auf Facebook: Musik von Autor: Optimistic

Channels: Sports 

Added: 4672 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 2496 | Comments: 0

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Brust & Trizeps Split Workout für zu Hause - Kurzhantel Training

Beim zweiten Tag unseres 3er Split Kurzhantel - Workouts trainieren wir unsere Brustmuskulatur sowie den Trizeps. Das Workout ist ideal für das Fitness- und Krafttraining zu Hause, im Fitnessstudio oder unterwegs gedacht. Dieser Trainingsplan ist sowohl für Männer als auch Frauen jeden Alters gedacht, bei Berücksichtigung des Trainingsgewichtes. Das Workout besteht aus Trizeps und Brusttraining: Bankdrücken mit Kurzhanteln - ZM: Brust HM: vordere Schulter, Trizeps Butterfly - ZM: Brust Supersatz Überzieher & Liegestütz - ZM: Brust HM: vordere Schulter, Trizeps Dips - ZM: Trizeps HM: Brust Armstrecker über Kopf - ZM: Trizeps French Press - ZM: Trizeps *ZM= Zielmuskel HM= Hilfsmuskel Mit dem richtigen Gewicht baut man Muskeln auf und regt die Fettverbrennung an. Für den Plan sollte man sich 30-45 Minuten Zeit nehmen. Jede Übung sollte mit 8 bis 12 Wiederholungen á 3 Sätze durchgeführt werden. Gewicht so wählen das der letzte Satz einer Übungen leicht anstrengend ist. Wir empfehlen dieses Split Programm kontinuierlich Tag für Tag durchzuführen. Es sollte mindestens 1 mal die Woche komplett absolviert werden. Nach etwa 6 bis 8 Wochen sollte der Trainingsplan geändert bzw. umgestellt werden! Dieser Trainingsplan ist nur ein Beispiel und dient der groben Orientierung, falls man noch Kraft besitzt kann das Workout um weitere Übungen erweitert werden. ACHTUNG: Du brauchst zwei Kurzhanteln? Hier kannst du relativ günstig ein 20Kg Set kaufen - wenn es mehr Gewicht sein soll findest du hier ein 30Kg Set - Falls dir das Video und das vorgestelle Workout gefallen haben würden wir uns über einen "Daumen Hoch" oder Favoriten freuen. Falls ihr Fragen zum Workout habt stellt uns diese einfach in den Kommentaren, in unserem Profil, als PN oder E-Mail. ;) Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Reebok. Besuch uns auf Facebook:

Channels: Sports 

Added: 4672 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1653 | Comments: 0

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Breiter Rücken Training - Kurzhantel Übungen

Christoph stellt euch zwei Grundübungen mit der Kurzhantel für das Rücken bzw. Latissimus Training zu Hause oder Fitnessstudio vor. - Einarmiges Rudern mit Kurzhantel - Rudern vorgebeugt mit Kurzhantel Pro Übungen solltet ihr 3 Sätze mit jeweils 8 bis 12 Wiederholungen absolvieren! Wer einen schönen V-Förmigen Rücken haben möchte, sollte diese Übungen in sein Latissimus Training mit einbauen. Du suchst Kurzhanteln an denen du das Gewicht verändern kannst? Dann findest du hier ein 30 Kg Hantelset - oder hier ein 20 Kg Hantelset - Falls euch das Video gefallen hat gebt uns ein "Daumen Hoch" Musik von Autor: Optimistic

Channels: Sports 

Added: 4672 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1764 | Comments: 0

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GTA: San Andreas - ps2 - 102 - Riot

GTA: San Andreas - ps2 - 102 - Riot Video Info: ------------- Playstation 2 version of GTA San Andreas, NO CHEATS/MODS! played by Boner Jones a.k.a. GTAmissions, recorded with a TV Wonder 200 Tuner card and edited using Sony Vegas 5.0 Please visit: for complete playlists of ALL the GTA games i've uploaded!

Channels: Gaming Videos 

Added: 5355 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 869 | Comments: 0

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Slipknot Snuff Video W/Lyrics

VIDEO RESPONCES WELCOME! I threw this together because when I heard this song I loved it! Slipknot is a great band and they do alot of heavy stuff but this song is greeat, like vermillion. The slipknot photos start at 2:16. I hope you enjoy this video and please help me get more views by favoring rating commenting and I hope subscribing to me! Lyrics: Bury all your secrets in my skin Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins The air around me still feels like a cage And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again... So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know. My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there. Deliver me into my Fate - If I'm alone I cannot hate I don't deserve to have you... My smile was taken long ago / If I can change I hope I never know I still press your letters to my lips And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss I couldn't face a life without your light But all of that was ripped apart... when you refused to fight So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear. You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough? I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end. I never claimed to be a Saint... My own was banished long ago / It took the Death of Hope to let you go So Break Yourself Against My Stones And Spit Your Pity In My Soul You Never Needed Any Help You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself And I Won't Listen To Your Shame You Ran Away - You're All The Same Angels Lie To Keep Control... My Love Was Punished Long Ago If You Still Care, Don't Ever Let Me Know If you still care, don't ever let me know... how to get more views on youtube utube famous subscribers subscribe smosh bush Toad the Wet Sprocket lol stone sour through the glass linkin park atrey oasis death metal live new gay ass porn butt Top 10 20 50 100 songs ever live all way classical country screamo calvary kids him fight ufc ultimate fighter brock lesnar channel video funny hallarious pwned owned you got in the face racial politics stand up comedy comedian jeff dunham davedays Britney Spears Death Metal Christian Ice Baby One More Time esta vez experimenta con el y nos brinda una version digna de ver escuchar Susan Boyle Britains Got Talent Les Miserables Dreamed Dream Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan West Lothian Blackburn yt:stretch=16:9 yt:quality=high Basshunter Now You're Gone All Ever Wanted Boten Anna Electronic Hard2beat Records DJ Alex remix bassheads Skillet Monster Atlantic Records Avril Lavigne RCA Records Label Pop lady gaga bad romance vevo cold play coldplay sad music country rap rock metal classical elvis conway twitty south park family guy addiction nicotine beer drugs alcohol party partying basshunter bass hunter lil wayne prison sentence life death all hope is gone abandon depression suicide army work out workout facebook girls fast easy cheap money obama racist the nameless favorite video funny ass mask masks robbery live death everything ends every thing this is the of Slipknot Everything Ends download festival 13 june 2009 main stage headliners corey taylor DJ starscream joey jordison live music huge crowd savage attack beating vermillion sulfur disasterpiece mayhem festival bootleg Jon Lajoie rap song everyday normal guy girls cup high as f#%k fuck bite finger funny boys Harry Charlie bit me Michael Jackson Epic Pop vevo metallica enter sandman sand man Soldier side system of down music video pud drums drumming drummer death metal suffocation infecting the crypts blood rain slayer raining blood remix death metal Stone Sour Through Glass Come What Ever May Whatever Metal Rock Corey Taylor Roadrunner David Guetta chris willis Kelly Thiebaud Baby love is gone pop life electro house dance ibiza Tokio Hotel Island Avenged Sevenfold Afterlife Rock Warner Bros. Metal A7X avengedsevenfold shadows zacky vengeance after life Wayne Isham My Chemical Romance Teenagers Alternative Reprise Slipknot Before Forget Volume Three Subliminal Verses Masks Clown Corey Taylor Joey Jordison Voliminal Metal Roadrunner Tony Yayo Soulja Boy 2010 Soulja Boy Tell`em Collipark Interscope Hip Hop Travis Barker Soulja Boy Crank That Tell Em Dat Superman Remix Soldier Boi Interscope Records Drums The Kill 30 Seconds to Mars The Killers Island Records Alternative

Channels: Music 

Added: 5355 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1035 | Comments: 0

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Cat Clips #48--Extra Eyes

Tipi thinks a pair of glasses will help Tuck understand how to deal with the male cat. (The original version of this video was posted on March 17, 2009 and received 819 views.) About Cat Clips This episode is part of the humorous "Cat Clips" series, which features the ongoing adventures of a group of cats in the New Jersey suburbs. The cats are avid fans of pop culture and fill their days discussing the latest celebrity gossip, political mishaps and topical entertainment related subject matter. They also engage in plenty of mystery and intrigue, as they continually try to scheme and outmaneuver each other, most often with comical results. Meet the Cats: Honey (aka Chase), an orange and white long-haired domestic, is the oldest female of the group, and loves to eat chocolate and other sweet treats. Often referred to as "Big Mama," the Mother of the clan is not afraid to give her opinion on almost anything—whether you ask for it or not. (Later in the series, it's discovered that Honey is actually a diabetic and so she must reluctantly give up her pension for popsicles and pastries in favor of daily insulin shots.) Trey is an all-black short-haired domestic cat who often looks at life through a cynical pair of eyes. Though he teases Honey relentlessly, he also feels a deep affection for her, and it soon becomes apparent that his tough exterior is mostly for show. Tipi arrives in Episode #36 to become the youngest female feline of the group. She is an extremely ambitious cat with only one thing on her mind—to become a huge mega-star. She loves to sing, dance and act, and uses every opportunity to promote herself and her desire to become a leading actress. A spin-off series called "Dear Tipi" was developed to help facilitate her desire for global recognition. Tuck is a Bengal cat and the offspring of one of Honey's British relatives. He arrives in Episode #44 just in time for Valentine's Day. Though Tuck instantly bonds with Honey and Tipi, Trey doesn't trust him and is quite reluctant to allow the foreigner into the fold. But eventually, Tuck wins over the older male cat with his positive energy and upbeat personality. Soon after, Tuck falls madly in love with Tipi, who rejects his advances in favor of her career ambitions. Boots is the newest member of the cast, arriving in Episode #105, and actually appears as a ghost in the series. Although his back story is still somewhat vague, we do know that when he was living, he was owned by the great and powerful Wizard of Wit. This not only gives him an interesting perspective on things, but also access to various types of magical powers. #76 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Comedy #22 - Top Favorited (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #9 - Top Rated (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #34 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #12 - Most Responded (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals #56 - Most Responded (Week Ending 3-22-09) - Pets & Animals #73 - Most Viewed (3-18-09) - Pets & Animals - Israel #19 - Most Responded (3-19-09) - Pets & Animals #45 - Top Rated (This Week) - Pets & Animals #24 - Most Responded (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #78 - Most Responded (This Week) - Pets & Animals #55 - Top Favorited (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #93 - Top Rated (7-21-09) - Pets & Animals #25 - Most Responded (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #59 - Top Favorited (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #92 - Top Rated (7-22-09) - Pets & Animals #39 - Most Responded (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #68 - Most Viewed (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals - India #59 - Top Favorited (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals #69 - Top Rated (7-23-09) - Pets & Animals

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5355 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1050 | Comments: 0

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"Sneezing Baby Panda" for Charity!

Laughing at a viral video is fun, but helping is even better. Spend a few minutes on SocialVibe, and we'll make a donation to the charity of your choice!

Channels: Funny 

Added: 5358 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 893 | Comments: 0

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This song will be the next the 2010 World Cup Supporters Song - If you are a true believer in 'Uniting the Nation' as one, then support this song as a chunk of all funds raised goes to our 'War heroes'. "Heroes Live Forever, Make Our Nation Proud, Wear your Shirt with Pride and Sing Our Anthem Loud!"

Channels: Music 

Added: 5358 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 785 | Comments: 0

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How to Blog - - I've been online since 1992, but I've only been building this business since I started Lockergnome in 1996. I've evolved since the beginning, and opened up Lockergnome to others to blog and make money for themselves, as well. So, what's the secret to successful blogging? Distributed by Tubemogul.

Channels: Video Blogs 

Added: 5358 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 687 | Comments: 0

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Origami Magic Ball by Kade Chan (Folding Instructions) ~Part One~

This video demonstrates how to fold an Origami Magic Ball designed by Kade Chan. This is one of the most well known origami models on YouTube, however not many of the tutorials went into great detail on how to fold each part. This video will explain each part of the Magic Ball in a very detailed manner. I hope you enjoy the videos, and if you have any questions about the magic ball, please comment below or send me a message! Thanks for watching! Also, special thanks to Kade Chan for giving me permission to create this video! Please visit Kade Chan's website at: and his Flickr Photostream at: FAQ: Q: Can I use A4 (printer paper) to fold the magic ball? A: Yes, but you will have to cut it (since A4 has the dimensions of 8.5" x 11", which is not 1:2 ratio). To make the largest rectangle from a sheet of A4, cut the paper to the dimensions of 11" x 5.5." If this is your first time folding the magic ball, however, I would not recommend using paper this size. See the next question for information on how to purchase larger paper. --------- Q: I do not have paper that is 20cm x 40cm or larger. Where can I purchase such large paper? A: Kraft paper is a cheap type of paper that typically comes in large rolls. It can be purchased in practically any office or arts and crafts store, and it is relatively inexpensive. Some popular stores which sell kraft paper include: OfficeMax, Staples, etc. You can also order kraft paper online from many websites such as,, etc.

Channels: Education & Instructional 

Added: 5358 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 940 | Comments: 0

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Mantra Chant Tutorial Instruction to Remove Obstacles, Increase Positivity & Faith more videos: Mantra To Remove obstacles, increase Trust Tripura Samhara Prachanda Skandaya Namaha (youtube playlist for powerful mantras in the areas of health, wealth, friendship, love and God and more. ) See also At the end of this video is a photo along with the mantra for this miraculous form of Muruga. He is the god of light who is going to give a break for all of humanity.

Channels: Education & Instructional 

Added: 5358 days ago by blogpost_biz

Runtime: 01:00 | Views: 1116 | Comments: 0

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